Wednesday, 21 June 2017

What are specialities of egg business around the globe?

The egg industry market share grew 10 percent in fiscal year 2015-16 collectively around world. Half of year is about to complete and in remaining months of 2017, egg business is continued to be one of the lucrative way to generate huge profits. Indian and Chinese markets allure national and global operators to invest. Egg business emerged as best opportunity because egg market is neither faced recession nor easy to ignore. There are various eggs varieties including:
 • White eggs
 • Brown eggs
 • Omega-3 eggs
 • Processed eggs
 • Vegetarian eggs
All these varieties of eggs are consumed as per consumer preference; prices of each variety eggs are different. For example, collective value of production from broilers, turkeys and chickens in 2016 was decreased to 20 percent revenues was brought down to US $ 39 billion approx. from 49 billion in 2015. Data is released by US department of Agriculture. Thus various revisions are required to improve production statistics because demand is continuously increases. There are few extraordinary facts that mesmerised you as well.
 • Over 70 million tonnes eggs are consumed all around the world annually
 • Eggs are best alternative source of proteins and vitamins
 • Large percentage of population prefer to buy brown-shelled eggs as there no difference with white-shelled eggs
 • A boiled eggs contain more protein as compared to raw one
 • To start egg farm large space is required as hens prefer roaming here and there.
If you are looking to start a new egg business then you should start egg franchise where you will offer egg-derive products and egg dishes. Andeywala is a fast growing egg franchise brand offer low cost business model. An exclusive egg restaurant will definitely a new concept probably attract huge crowd. Consumers now-a-days are focusing more on quality foods rather than money.

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